Developmental Potential of Mouse wit-rESCs
(A) Photomicrograph of PECAM1-expressing cells obtained from IWP-2-treated mouse EpiSCs in the presence of LIF (wit-rESCs). Almost all PECAM1-expressing cells occurred as dome-like compact colonies. Scale bar, 100 μm.
(B) DsRed-marked mouse wit-rESCs contribute to chimeric embryos at E12.5. An embryo lacking DsRed expression is shown as a nonchimera.
(C) Live-born chimeric mice were obtained from DsRed-marked mouse wit-rESCs. A pup lacking DsRed expression is shown as a nonchimera.
(D) Chimeric mice obtained from injection of mouse wit-rESCs (agouti) into BDF1 × C57BL/6 blastocysts (black) show coat-color contribution from mouse wit-rESCs.
(E) Germline-transmitted agouti coat color is shown in pups born to mice obtained from wit-rESCs.
See also Figure S3 and Table S2.