Figure 5.
Platelet-monocyte interactions. Changes in the percentage of monocyte subsets (A), MPA (B) and intracellular expression of BrdU (C) in monocytes contact co-cultured (M + P) or no cellular contact co-cultured with platelets from RA patients (M/P), expressed as percentages of monocyte subsets and CD14+CD42a+ (MPA) cells, respectively, compared to monocytes cultured in medium alone (M) after 48 h. Also shown are the effects of anti-CD147 blocking antibody (CD147mAb) or nonblocking control antibody (control mAb) added to monocyte-platelet co-culture (n = 4 for each). (* P <0.05, ** P <0.001 and *** P <0.0001 vs. corresponding controls). MPA: monocyte-platelet aggregates; P: platelet; RA: rheumatoid arthritis.