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. 2015 Jan 2;179(2):300–308. doi: 10.1111/cei.12449

Table 1.

Demographic, clinical and laboratory features of patients with knee effusion and controls

PsA (n = 23) RA (n = 30) OA (n = 20) HC (n = 20) P
Sex (male/female) 16/7 8/22 13/7 8/12 PsA versus RA 0·001; RA versus OA 0·007
Age (years) 44/40–56 53·5/45·7–65 59/47·5–78 51/44·3–65 PsA versus OA 0·005
Disease duration (months) 96/25·5–156 96/21–171 66/12–186 n.a. n.s.
Tender joints (0–28) 1·5/1–3·5 3/1–6·5 1/1–1 n.a. RA versus OA 0·01
Swollen joints (0–28) 1/1–2 1/1–3·5 1/1–1·5 n.a. n.s.
ESR (mm/h) 16/9–33 32/20–40 12/5–24 PsA versus RA 0·01; RA versus OA 0·005
CRP (mg/l) 6·5/2·25–13·5 10/6–40 2/0–4 PsA versus OA 0·02; RA versus OA 0·0002
DAS28 3·2/2·7–3·8 3·7/3–5 n.a. n.a. n.s.
RF (n/%) 0/0 23/76·6 0/0 PsA versus RA < 0·0001; RA versus OA < 0·0001
ACPA (n/%) 0/0 25/83·3 0/0 PsA versus RA < 0·0001; RA versus OA < 0·0001
Synovial fluid
WBC (cell/ml) 6 750/3 238–10 180 7350/5450–11 650 550/200–2550 n.a. PsA versus OA < 0·0001; RA versus OA < 0·0001
PMN (%) 68/29·5–80 68/50–78·75 7·5/0–27·5 n.a. PsA versus OA 0·002; RA versus OA 0·0001
Therapy (n/%)
NSAIDs 11/47·8 12/42·8 10/50 n.a. n.s.
Prednisone 3/13·04 11/39·3 0/0 n.a. RA versus OA 0·001
DMARDs 10/43·4 16/57·1 0/0 n.a. RA versus OA < 0·0001; PsA versus OA 0·0007

Data are expressed as median and 25th–75th percentiles. Statistical comparisons between groups of patients and healthy controls were performed by Kruskal–Wallis analysis of variance (anova) with Dunn's post-test. Univariate comparisons between nominal variables were performed by Fisher's exact test. ACPA = anti-citrullinated protein/peptide antibodies; CRP = C-reactive protein; DAS28 = disease activity score (28 joint count, four variables, erythrocyte sedimentation rate-based); DMARDs = disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs; ESR = erythrocyte sedimentation rate; HC = healthy controls; n.a. = not applicable; n.s. = not significant; NSAIDs = non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs; OA = osteoarthritis; PMN = polymorphonuclear cells; PsA = psoriatic arthritis; RA = rheumatoid arthritis; RF = rheumatoid factor; WBC = white blood cells.