Fig. 1. Different distribution of syntaxin 1 and 4 in neurons and glia with Western immunoblotting.
G - from glial cultures consisting of astrocytes essentially, and N+G - from dissociated hippocampal neurons grown on top of glial cells. Equal amounts of protein (10 μg) were loaded into each lane. (top left,) Calcium calmodulin dependent kinase II (α-CaMKII) is a neuronal marker present exclusively in N+G cultures but not in G. (top right,) Glial fribrillary acidic protein (GFAP) is an astroglial marker present more in G than in N+G cultures. (lower left,) Syntaxin 1A was exclusively in N+G cultures. (lower right,) Syntaxin 4 (two different antibodies, ab1 and ab2) is enriched in glia (more in G than in N+G cultures).