Figure 1. HOIL-1 KO mice are highly susceptible to acute infection with Listeria monocytogenes, Toxoplasma gondii and Citrobacter rodentium.
(A) Survival of control (blue circles) and HOIL-1 KO (red squares) mice following i.p. inoculation with 105 (left panel; control n = 35, HOIL-1 KO n = 19), 104 (middle panel; control n = 15, HOIL-1 KO n = 15) or 103 (right panel; control n = 15, HOIL-1 KO n = 15) CFU Listeria strain EGD. (B) Listeria CFU in spleen and liver from control (blue circles) and HOIL-1 KO (red squares) mice infected with 105 CFU i.p. for 1 day (left panel), 3 days (middle panel) or 6 days (right panel). Each symbol represents an individual mouse and the mean log10 CFU is indicated. The dashed line indicates the limit of detection. (C) Survival of control (blue circles) and HOIL-1 KO (red squares) mice following inoculation with 5000 (left panel; control n = 17, HOIL-1 KO n = 5) or 100 (middle panel; control n = 10, HOIL-1 KO n = 10) tachyzoites T. gondii strain Pru-luc. (D) Log10 total flux (luciferase activity; photons per second) as a measure of parasite burden 8 days post-infection with 100 tachyzoites. Each symbol represents an individual mouse and the mean log10 is indicated. (E,F) Survival (E) and weight (F) of control (blue circles) and HOIL-1 KO (red squares) mice following oral gavage with 2 × 109 CFU C. rodentium. n = 20/group for survival and n = 10/group for weight. *p ≤ 0.05, **p ≤ 0.01, ***p ≤ 0.001, ****p ≤ 0.0001. Statistical analyses were performed using logrank Mantel–Cox test (A, C and E), Mann–Whitney test (B), or t-test (D).