Fig. 1.
Antibody responses, plasmablast counts, and clonal expansion postvaccination. (A) The anti-VZV activity in the serum was expressed as a ratio of anti-VZV titer on day 28/day 0. (B) Plasmablasts as a percentage of total CD3− CD19+ B cells on days 0 (prevaccination), 8, 14, and 28 postvaccination. Samples from twin pair members are labeled with the same colors, with each individual within the twin pair labeled with a different symbol: twins A (red), twins B (green), twins C (blue), and twins D (purple). (C) Day 8 B-cell clonal expansion differs between twin pair members. Clonality score of gDNA sequences from each sample was calculated from six independent gDNA replicates. The x axis indicates the number of days postvaccination.