Figure 1.
Representative ratemeters showing the responses of a single spinal NS neuron to a mechanical noxious stimulation (von Frey filaments 97.8 mN/2 sec) in Ddo +/+ (a and c) and Ddo −/− (b and d) female mice 7 days after sham (a and b) or CCI (c and d) surgery. The lower panels show the evoked activity (e), the duration (f), and the onset (g) of the evoked activity induced by the noxious stimulation in NS neurons in sham and CCI Ddo +/+ or Ddo −/− female mice. Small black arrows (a–d) indicate the noxious stimulation on mouse hind paw and grey scale bar indicates 5 min interval in ratemeter. Each point represents the mean ± S.E.M of 6–8 neurons of different groups of mice. P values <0.05 were considered statistically significant (two-way ANOVA followed by Bonferroni posttest, for comparisons between groups). *indicates significant differences versus sham/Ddo +/+, #significant differences versus sham/Ddo −/−, and °significant differences versus CCI/Ddo +/+.