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. 2015 Jan 19;109(2):116–125. doi: 10.1093/trstmh/tru208

Table 2.

Breeding places and infestation level with immature Aedes Aegypti vector per study groups

Intervention group
Control group
Baseline Follow-up 1 Follow-up 2 Baseline Follow-up 1 Follow-up 2
Characteristics Feb–Aug 2013 (wet–dry) Oct–Dec 2013 (wet) Mar–Apr 2014 (wet) Feb–Aug 2013 (wet–dry) Oct–Dec 2013 (wet) Mar–Apr 2014 (wet)
 Precipitation 88.6 88.7 134 88.6 88.7 134
 Clusters 10 4 10 4 10 4 10 4 10 4 10 4
 Households 843 347 801 327 668 288 837 324 771 282 649 284
 Inhabitants 3231 1424 3157 1387 2696 1196 2975 1201 2898 1067 2415 1094
 Containers 3253 905 3663 1340 2365 1462 2492 777 2761 878 1346 623
 Low tanks (n) 10.1% (329) 18.2% (165) 4.3% (160) 8.4% (113) 12.3% (292) 10.3% (151) 9.7% (242) 10.2% (79) 3.0% (82) 5.6% (49) 16.1% (217) 17.0% (106)
 Albercas (n) 25.9% (843) 35.5% (321) 19.5% (716) 21.6% (290) 26.3% (621) 18.8% (275) 33.0% (822) 38.5% (299) 23.2% (641) 26.2% (230) 43.0% (578) 37.6% (234)
 Others (n) 64.0% (2081) 46.3% (419) 76.0% (2787) 70.0% (937) 61.4% (1452) 70.9% (1036) 57.2% (1428) 51.3% (399) 73.8% (2038) 68.2% (599) 40.9% (551) 45.4% (283)
 Households with pupae 111 40 47 25 45 12 66 26 36 13 16 7
 Containers with pupae 121 43 52 29 48 13 68 27 41 14 18 9
 Pupaes 2932 1090 2929 1727 1022 276 1395 506 893 256 575 345
Pupae indices
 Container index 3.7% 4.8% 1.4% 2.2% 2.0% 0.9% 2.7% 3.5% 1.5% 1.6% 1.3% 1.4%
 Household index 13.2% 11.5% 5.9% 7.6% 6.7% 4.2% 7.9% 8.0% 4.7% 4.6% 2.5% 2.5%
 Breteau index 14.4 12.4 6.5 8.9 7.2 4.5 8.1 8.3 5.3 5.0 2.8 3.2
 Pupae per person index 0.91 0.77 0.93 1.25 0.38 0.23 0.47 0.42 0.31 0.24 0.24 0.32
Pupae percentage per container type, relative contributions (n)
 Low tank 10.0 (293) 16.0 (174) 36.0 (1054) 54.0 (933) 1.0 (10) 0 4.0 (56) 12.0 (61) 2.0 (18) 4.0 (10) 3.0 (17) 6.0 (21)
 Elevated tank 2.0 (59) 1.0 (11) 0 0 0 0 0 0 4.0 (36) 0 0 0
 Alberca 1 41.0 (1202) 42.0 (458) 20.0 (586) 14.0 (242) 65.0 (664) 100 (100) 50.0 (698) 42.0 (213) 28.0 (250) 30.0 (77) 69.0 (397) 91.0 (314)
 Alberca 2 23.0 (674) 31.0 (338) 39.0 (1142) 29.0 (501) 28.0 (286) 0 31.0 (432) 24.0 (121) 32.0 (286) 60.0 (154) 17.0 (98) 0
 Vessels 3.0 (88) 4.0 (44) 1.0 (29) 0 3.0 (31) 0 0 0 29.0 (259) 0 2.0 (12) 3.0 (10)
 Small buckets 7.0 (205) 5.0 (55) 0 0 3.0 (31) 0 13.0 (181) 22.0 (111) 5.0 (45) 6.0 (15) 9.0 (52) 0
 Others (vases, tires, discarded, naturals, etc.) 14.0 (410) 1.0 (11) 4.0 (117) 3.0 (52) 0 0 2.0 (28) 0 0 0 0 0

Data collected in the treatment and control groups. It illustrates the overview of the study sites, as well as entomological indices and the relative contributions of specific containers in all 20 clusters and only in the 8 clusters completed until follow-up 2.