Comparisons of Up states in pyramidal cells and interneurons between barrel cortex and entorhinal cortex. A, Comparisons of mean total firing rates in pyramidal cells, PV cells, SOM cells, and VIP cells in L2/3 between barrel cortex and entorhinal cortex. Error bars indicate SEM. The following comparisons were significant (Mann–Whitney test): RPyr, entorhinal > RPyr, barrel (p = 0.032), RSOM, entorhinal < RSOM, barrel (p = 0.0070), RVIP, entorhinal < RVIP, barrel (p = 0.00029). B, Comparisons of mean total excitatory and inhibitory conductances in pyramidal cells, PV cells, and VIP cells in L2/3 between barrel cortex and entorhinal cortex. Error bars indicate SEM. The following comparisons were significant (Mann–Whitney test): Ge, Pyr, entorhinal < Ge, Pyr, barrel (p = 0.034), Ge, VIP, entorhinal < Ge, VIP, barrel (p = 0.00023), Gi, Pyr, entorhinal < Gi, Pyr, barrel (p = 0.0067), Gi, VIP, entorhinal < Gi, VIP, barrel (p = 0.013).