Figure 1. A subset of AsiSI-induced DSBs recruits RAD51.
a. ChIP-seq analyses in DIvA cells after 4OHT treatment (4h), using anti XRCC4 or anti-RAD51 antibodies. The averaged XRCC4 (blue) and RAD51 (red) signals, over a 20kb region flanking annotated AsiSI sites, are shown. b. The profiles of XRCC4 (blue) and RAD51 (red) around four selected AsiSI sites (indicated by arrows) are shown. c. Averaged XRCC4 (blue) and RAD51 (red) signals over 20kb windows and centered at the AsiSI site, are shown for each categories (RAD51-bound or RAD51-unbound subsets). d. ChIP against XRCC4 and RAD51 in 4OHT-treated DIvA cells, analyzed by qPCR. The ratios between the signals observed for XRCC4 and RAD51 are presented for eight AsiSI-induced DSBs, either bound or not by RAD51 in ChIP-seq experiments (RAD51-bound DSBs are labeled with roman numerals, while RAD51-unbound DSBs are labeled with arabic numerals). Mean and s.e.m (technical replicate, n=4) of a representative experiment are shown.