FIG 5.
Cdc25a overexpression counteracts the negative effects of miR-21 on HCMV gene expression. (A) U-251MG cells were transduced with lentiviruses that overexpress miR-21 (21) or miR-UL22A (Ctrl). Portions of these cells were further transduced with a lentivirus encoding Cdc25a without its 3′UTR (Ctrl+Cdc and 21+Cdc). Cdc25a protein levels were determined by Western blotting; short and long exposures of the same blot are shown. (B) Transduced cells were infected with HCMV at an MOI of 0.5, and viral and cellular proteins were detected by Western blotting at the indicated times postinfection. Actin serves as a loading control.