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. 2014 Dec 5;3:e03282. doi: 10.7554/eLife.03282

Video 3. Force exchanges in a six-cell MCF10A cluster with changing topology; related to Figure 3—figure supplement 1.

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DOI: 10.7554/eLife.03282.009

(Left) E-cadherin-GFP fluorescence. (Middle) Cell–cell stresses (white vectors) and traction forces (colored vectors) overlaid on fluorescence images. The cell–cell junctions are outlined in red. Vectors originating from cell centers reflect the residual traction forces of each cell. See ‘Materials and methods’ for details. (Right) Network representation of the cluster indicating the residual traction force of each cell and the reconstructed cell–cell forces along junctions. Solid thick color vectors represent integrated cell–cell forces calculated using the FEM approach; dotted thin color vectors represent cell–cell forces calculated using the force-balancing principle. Note the force-balancing principle is insufficient for calculating junctions that are in a ‘loop’ configuration. Vector lengths and circle sizes represent force magnitudes. Images were acquired one frame every 7 min for >3 hr with a 40× 0.95 NA air objective using a spinning disk confocal microscope; frame display rate =3 fps.