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. 2014 Sep 19;10(1):310–319. doi: 10.1021/cb5006323

Table 3. Crystal Refinement Statistics.

protein complex GRK2·GSK180736A–Gβγ GRK1·GSK2163632A
X-ray source APS 21ID-F APS 21ID-F
wavelength (Å) 0.9787 0.9787
Dmin (Å) 25.00–2.59 (2.63–2.59)a 25.00–1.85 (1.88–1.85)
space group C2221 P22121
cell constants (Å) a = 61.4, b = 241.4, c = 212.5 a = 45.5, b = 66.6, c = 205.5
unique reflections 51 212 (1843) 54 333 (2671)
Rsym (%) 20.1 (100) 10.3 (100)
completeness (%) 100 (100) 99.9 (99.9)
I⟩\⟨σI 18.7 (1.8) 90 (1.8)
redundancy 26.2 (25.6) 21.8 (19.5)
refinement resolution (Å) 25.00–2.59 (2.63–2.59) 25.00–1.85 (1.89–1.85)
total reflections used 47 772 (2677) 51 503 (3672)
RMSD bond lengths (Å) 0.004 0.002
RMSD bond angles (deg) 0.740 1.833
Est. coordinate error (Å) 0.482 0.137
Ramachandran plot    
most favored, outliers (%) 91.5, 0.6 98.4, 0.0
Rwork 25.1 (39.5) 21.4 (35.4)
Rfree 27.6 (40.6) 25.3 (28.5)
protein atoms 8225 4025
water molecules 69 218
inhibitor atoms 27 39
average B-factor (Å2) 58.5 48.8
protein 58.9 49.0
inhibitor 65.7 35.9
MolProbity score 2.18 (94th percentile) 0.83 (100th percentile)
MolProbity Cβ deviations 0 1
MolProbity bad backbone bonds 0 0
MolProbity bad backbone angles 2 3
PDB entry 4PNK 4PNI

Values in parentheses correspond to the highest resolution shell of data.