Figure 1.
Task phases (A) and trial sequence of study (B) and 3AFC recognition (C) phases (labels between B&C are relevant for both). A) Task phase sequence for the protocol (see Experimental Methods and Supporting Information Table S1). B and C) All study and test trials began with central fixation followed by display onset, audio instruction playback (including a critical orienting word), and a response phase. Eye movements were monitored during all trials, and we used the critical target word (crit.) onset event to anchor timecourse analyses of eye movements (see Method and Results). B) Fast mapping (FM) and explicit encoding (EE) study formats were similar, but in the EE study format, only one uncommon item was presented, while in the FM study format, two items were presented and a choice was required. C) 3AFC recognition test format was the same after FM and EE encoding. [Color figure can be viewed in the online issue, which is available at]