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. 2014 Dec 18;14:1298. doi: 10.1186/1471-2458-14-1298

Table 2.

Descriptive analysis of past history with LD, exposure, knowledge and perceptions per region

Montérégie Neuchâtel
n % (CI) 1 n % (CI) 1
Total 401 413
Past history with LD
  Know someone with LD 14 3 (2–6) 168 41 (36–46)*
  Have ever had LD 3 1 (0–2) 24 6 (4–9)*
  Have a dog 83 21 (17–25) 74 18 (14–22)
  Never heard about LD 185 46 (41–51) 89 22 (18–26)*
  Know LD for one year or less 42 10 (8–14) 48 12 (9–15)
  Know LD for more than one year 174 43 (38–48) 276 67 (62–71)*
Exposure frequency through outdoor activities
  Less than 2 times per yr 177 44 (39–49) 47 11 (8–15)*
  2-10 times per yr 155 39 (34–44) 155 38 (33–42)
  11-25 times per yr 41 10 (7–14) 97 23 (19–28)*
  More than 25 times per yr 28 7 (5–10) 114 28 (23–32)*
Knowledge on LD
  Transmission mode (Know that LD is transmitted by a tick bite) 112 28 (24–33) 270 65 (61–70)*
  Early symptom (Know that skin erythema is an early sign of LD) 115 29 (24–33) 224 54 (49–59)*
  Treatment (Know that LD can be treated with systemic antibiotics) 71 18 (14–22) 182 44 (39–49)*
  Risk zone (Know where it is possible to contract LD in their region) 72 18 (14–22) 228 55 (50–60)*
Global level of knowledge
  High (% with global score of 3 or 4) 60 15 (12–19) 209 51 (46–56)*
  Medium (% with global score of 1 or 2) 117 29 (25–34) 105 25 (21–30)
  Null (% with global score of 0) 224 56 (51–61) 99 24 (20–28)*
Specific items related to TBE (Neuchâtel only)
  Never heard about TBE - - 75 18 (15–22)
  Know TBE for one year or less - - 36 9 (6–12)
  Know TBE for more than one year - - 302 73 (69–77)
  Know well the differences between TBE and LD (self-declared % of scores 4–5 on an agreement scale) - - 95 23 (19–27)
Risk perceptions (% with score 4–5)
  High-perceived individual susceptibility 95 24 (20–28) 223 54 (49–59)*
  High-perceived regional susceptibility 163 41 (36–46) 234 57 (52–61)*
  High-perceived severity of LD 304 76 (71–80) 328 79 (75–83)
  High-feeling of worry 99 25 (21–29) 149 36 (31–41)*
  High-perceived mastery 231 58 (53–62) 301 73 (68–77)*
  High-perceived uncertainty 177 44 (39–49) 89 22 (18–26)*
  High-perceived confidence 89 22 (18–27) 176 43 (38–48)*
Global risk perception score (% with score ≥ 4) 77 19 (15–23) 141 34 (30–39)*

195% confidence intervals (Exact binomial Clopper-Pearson Method).

*p < 0.0001 (Pearson Chi-square).