Figure 3. Model for regulation of osk mRNA in trans.
A, model for translational repression by Bru [50]. Bru bound to multiple sites in the 3'UTR recruits Cup, which binds to and inactivates the cap binding protein eIF4E. Specificity requires that the inactivated eIF4E is that bound to the cap.
B, model for how an osk mRNA unable to make Osk protein (the abbreviated coding reigon is shown as a shortened think line) could confer repression on another osk mRNA with mutated Bru binding sites (shown as X's in the thin line of the 3' UTR). In the context of a particle (the encompassing large oval) assembled by PTB, close proximity of the two mRNAs would allow the Cup recruited to the first mRNA to inactive the eIF4E bound to the cap of the second mRNA despite its lack of Bru binding sites.