Figure 3.
Deterministic sensitivity analysis for model costs and utilities. One-way sensitivity analysis for all model costs and utility-score parameters in terms of the incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER) of population-based screening compared with a family history (FH)–based approach for BRCA testing. X-axis: ICER: cost (£s) per quality-adjusted life-year (QALY) (discounted). Y-axis: cost and utility-score parameters in the model. The model is run at both lower and upper values/limits of the cost and utility-score parameters given in Table 2. “High value” represents outcomes for upper limit, and “Low value” represents outcomes for lower limit of these parameters. Outcomes to the left of the midline “0” value on the X-axis indicate that the model is cost saving. This analysis suggests that variation in costs and utility scores do not statistically significantly affect model outcomes. BC = breast cancer; FH = family history; neg = negative; OC = ovarian cancer; pos = positive; RRSO = risk-reducing salpingo-oophorectomy; RRM = risk-reducing mastectomy.