Figure 3.
Tumor necrosis factor alpha and leukocyte data. (A) Peak tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNFα) levels were significantly lower in the treatment group. (B) Total blood leukocyte count decreased over time with no group difference. (C) A dose–response relationship with regards to superoxide anion production was observed and the leukocyte superoxide anion (˙O2 –) component of the overall signal was demonstrated by adding superoxide dismutase. (D) Superoxide anion production, stimulated by low-dose opsonized zymosan 0.02 mg/ml, was significantly attenuated in the treatment group. *Significant difference between groups. #Significantly different change over time between groups. Data presented as median (95% confidence interval). ALM, adenosine, lidocaine and magnesium; LPS, lipopolysaccharide; OpZ, opsonized zymosan; SOD, superoxide dismutase.