Figure 3. Subcutaneous transplantations of GFP-labeled hESC-DPs and hIPSC-DPs.
(A) Stereoscopic observation of the whole mount transplants identified GFP-positive hESC-DP cells in positions of DP (arrows heads) and dermal capsule (arrows) in the newly formed hairs; insets show 2x enlargements of the DP regions. (B) GFP-labeled hIPSC-DPs can be found in DP and dermal capsule of the hairs: whole mount transplants (GFP/bright field) and 8um sections (bright field). Inset, fluorescence image of GFP-positive cells in the DP area of hair follicle (2x enlargement of the white square of DP area in the bright field image). (C, D) GFP-positive DPs of newly formed hairs (GFP/bright field, confocal microscopy) are positive for Versican (Versican, confocal microscopy) and Alkaline Phosphatase (AP, bright field)). (E) Rarely (~1% of newly formed hairs) NC-derived GFP-positive cells were detected in the outer root sheath area (arrows) as well as GFP-positive DP (outlined). Confocal image in the GFP panel. (F) NC-derived GFP-positive cells were found in hair matrix in transplants (confocal microscopy). Inset shows 2x enlargement of GFP-positive cells; GFP in white. Note multiple melanin granules (in black) present throughout GFP-positive cells. Scale bars 250μm for A; 50 μm for B-F.