Figure 1.
Figure 1A. Odds of a patient receiving services due at the time of visit: Continuously uninsured patients vs. continuously insured patients (reference group);
Figure 1B. Odds of a discontinuously insured patient receiving services due at the time of visit: uninsured visits vs. visits when insured (reference group).
Source. 2006–2007 data from 38 Oregon clinics in the OCHIN network that had fully operational electronic health records by 2005. Medicaid insurance status verified and supplemented by 2006–2007 Oregon Medicaid enrollment data.
Notes. Diamonds represent estimated odds ratios; vertical lines represent corresponding 95% CIs. Odds ratios are estimated using a single generalized estimating equation (GEE) logistic regression of receipt of services at visits in which a service was due adjusted for fixed effects of the type of service due, clinic, gender, Hispanic ethnicity, race, age, and income below 100% of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL) ratios. Odds ratios of specific services and an aggregate measure of any service received when due are reported. HbA1c= hemoglobin A1c; LDL=low-density lipoprotein; Microalbumin=urine microalbumin; Influenza vx=influenza vaccination.