(A) Postmitotic depletion of Pav-KLP in neurons reduced Drosophila viability. *Note that elav>pav RNAi adults died at the few hours after eclosing.
(B) Ventral view of early second instar larvae expressing GFP-Nvr2. Representative wide-field images of second instar larvae; control (upper panel) or elav>pav RNAi from pavB200/+ mothers (bottom panel). Scale bars, 200 μm
(C) Quantification of the motor neuron axon length in Drosophila early second instar larvae. Left panel schemically represents the strategy used to quantify axon length in the larvae. The length of the longest motor neuron axons of second instar larvae (in green) were normalized by the distance between the ventral ganglion and the posterior end (in blue). Right panel shows the axon length quantification of control, pavB200, and elav>pav RNAi with maternal pavB200/+. The mean and SD are shown (n>10 axons per category; ***p < 0.0005, unpaired t test).