Disruption of the actin or microtubule network reduces the ratio of sequential fusions. (A) An example of sequential fusion and the central intensity profile. The interval between fusions was calculated as ΔT. The montages are 19 × 19 pixels at time intervals of 0.5 s, and the corresponding kymograph (below) is 150 s. (B) The ratio of sequential fusion for each condition. (C) Average minimal distance between each fusion event. In control cells, the minimum distance between each event was 10 pixels (n = 1701 events from 6 cells for control, n = 824 events from 6 cells for CytoD treatment, and n = 577 events from 7 cells for Nocod treatment). (D) Average ΔT for each condition (in B and D, n = 478 events from 6 cells for control, n = 101 events from 6 cells for CytoD treatment, n = 65 events from 7 cells for Nocod treatment). Error bars are ±SE. p values were determined using Student’s t-test. ∗∗∗p < 0.001.