Figure 2.
Ezrin KD inhibits tumour-induced endothelial cell sprouting. (A) Aortic rings were stimulated with CM from MDA231 (231), MDA shEZR (shEZR), MDASrc (Src), and MDASrc shEZR (Src/shEZR) for 96 hr prior to imaging. Endothelial cell sprouting was quantified using ImagePro software and presented as percentage of control (bar graph; n = 4 in triplicates). ANOVA post-test analysis revealed MDASrc as the only group with significantly higher angiogenic activity. (B) Three-dimensional reconstruction of confocal images of CD31-positive endothelial cells migrating out of aortic ring (Scale bar = 200 μm). CM: conditioned media; KD: knockdown.