Kaplan–Meier analysis of time to recurrence within mastectomy and BCSS subsets. a,b Kaplan–Meier curves of time to first recurrence (LR and/or DR) within mastectomy (dotted line) and BCSS (solid line) subsets were stratified by a dichotomized clinical stage at presentation (gold stage 2 or below; blue stage 3 or inflammatory); b nodal status at presentation (gold node negative; blue node positive). c,d Kaplan–Meier curves of time to LR within the mastectomy (dotted line) and BCSS (solid line) subsets were stratified by c dichotomized clinical stage at presentation (gold stage 2 or below; blue stage 3 or inflammatory); d LVI at surgery (gold negative; blue positive). p-Values refer to the difference in either first time to recurrence (a,b) or LR (c,d) dichotomized by clinical stage, node status, and LVI within each surgical type. LR local recurrence, DR distant recurrence, LVI lymphovascular invasion, BCS breast-conserving surgery