Figure 6.
Fragment recruitment of metagenomic data from the Atlantis II Deep water column and the brine-seawater interfaces (BSI) of three brine pools in the Red Sea against the composite RSA3 genome and four others including the type species (N. maritimus SCM1) and three SAGs representing mesopelagic AOA (asterisked). The upper panel shows the distribution of recruited reads at a relaxed nucleotide identity of 70–100%. Bar plots are color-coded according to the reference genome used, whereas the average nucleotide identity of recruited reads in each metagenome is indicated by a black dot. The red dotted line demarcates the operational 95% identity level for similar genotypes as the reference. The lower panel shows the coverage of recruited fragments (per Mbp of data). AD, Atlantis II Deep; DD, Discovery Deep; KD, Kebrit Deep. See Supplementary Table 8 and Supplementary Methods for more details.