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. 2014 Nov 26;290(4):2112–2125. doi: 10.1074/jbc.M114.610725



ArgBP2γ binds to actin stress fibers through an N terminally located sequence. A, the table summarizes the ArgBP2 construct localization in HeLa cells indicated as “−” (absent), “+” (weak), “++” (moderate), and “+++” (strong). B, the micrographs show representative images of FLAG-tagged proteins in HeLa cells. The full-length ArgBP2γ(1–573), the N-terminal half (1–340), and ArgBP2γ lacking regions A and C localized prominently to puncta along stress fibers. However, ArgBP2γ lacking domain B was concentrated in focal adhesions (blue arrows) with only residual localization to the actin stress fibers with no observable increase in puncta size. Domain B (last panel) was clearly localized to α-actinin-rich puncta on actin stress fibers (red arrows). The fluorescent signal was converted to black on white for clarity.