Fig. 1. Binge alcohol increasedCYP2E1 and hypoxia in mice.
(A,B) The changes of BAC (A) and plasma ALT (B) after binge alcohol exposure.(C) Representative H&E staining of livers at 9 h after the last ethanol dose. (D) Immunoblot analysis of CYP2E1in whole liver lysates.(E) CYP2E1αctivityin cytoplasm.(F) Representative immunohistochemicalstainings(arrows) of CYP2E1 and pimonidazole in livers at 6 h (i.e., 30 h from the first ethanol dose). PC, pericentral regions. Data (n=4/group) expressed as means ± SE(*p< 0.05 and **p< 0.01).