a) Representative IHC of phospho-rpS6 and phospho-4EBP1 show mTORC1 activity during intestinal regeneration, 72hrs after 14Gy γ-irradiation (representative of 5 biological replicates); b+c) boxplots demonstrating that 72hrs of 10mg/kg rapamycin treatment does not alter mitosis or apoptosis in normal intestinal crypts. Whiskers are max and min, black line is median (n=4 per group; NS: not significant, Mann-Whitney U test); d) Intestines imaged on OV100 microscope, 96hrs post induction, for RFP. Tissue without the ROSA-tdRFP reporter (labelled Neg Control) show no RFP positivity, while the positive control and Raptor fl/fl intestines show high RFP positivity (representative of 3 biological replicates).; e+f) boxplot showing that Raptor deletion does not affect mitosis or apoptosis rates in intestinal crypts, 96hrs after induction. Whiskers are max and min, black line is median (n=4 per group; NS: not significant, Mann-Whitney U test). Scale bar = 100μm