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. 2015 Jan 23;10(1):e0116797. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0116797

Table 1. Characteristics of the fresh semen collected individually from capercaillie and further subjected to freezing (means ± SD).

Male’s number No of obtained ejaculates Semen volume [µL] Sperm concentration [n x106mL-l] Morphological forms of sperm [%] SQF *)
Live in total Live normal Bulb head Bent neck Midpiece deformations Spermatids Other deformations
51 12 102.0 c ±26.0 884.6 ab ±412.2 95.3±2.9 58.7 b ±12.6 21.9±10.3 2.5 b ±0.8 9.9 b ±5.8 0.5 b ±0.4 1.7 b ±1.4 52.2 ab ±42.6
58 9 205.0 a ±41.0 371.4 cd ±205.4 95.0±2.7 61.2 ab ±10.2 20.2±5.5 3.5 b ±1.8 4.6 c ±1.3 0.0 b ±0.0 5.5 a ±2.8 42.8 ab ±22.8
9 8 49.0 d ±25.0 1257.1 a ±750.6 96.5±2.5 59.4 b ±11.6 22.4±12.3 2.4 b ±1.3 10.1 b ±3.2 0.6 b ±0.5 1.6 b ±1.0 32.0 b ±17.2
49 11 136.4 b ±49.0 619.1 bc ±306.5 95.1±4.2 70.3 a ±11.0 19.1±9.5 1.9 b ±1.4 3.0 c ±1.1 0.0 b ±0.0 0.6 b ±0.3 61.0 a ±37.4
67 8 65.7 d ±24.0 604.3 bc ±307.5 95.0±2.6 68.8 ab ±13.2 17.6±11.0 2.7 b ±0.7 4.6 c ±2.1 0.2 b ±0.1 1.2 b ±0.7 31.7 b ±18.5
72 12 73.0 cd ±22.0 452.0 cd ±220.8 95.3±2.0 39.2 c ±9.8 17.4±6.9 10.6 a ±2.3 18.8 a ±3.6 1.3 a ±0.6 7.9 a ±4.0 13.6 c ±7.4
79 9 75.0 cd ±31.0 178.8 d ±69.2 94.3±4.1 58.8 b ±8.4 23.8±10.0 5.2 a ±2.7 5.6 c ±2.2 0.4 b ±0.2 0.6 b ±0.2 7.0 c ±3.4
Total/Average 69 102.1±56.9 632.5±518.9 94.6±5.5 58.7±15.0 20.0±9.4 4.3±3.4 8.1±6.2 0.5±0.7 2.7±3.7 35.7±29.4

*) SQF = Sperm Quality Factor—sperm concentration [n x106 mL-1] x ejaculate volume [mL] x live normal sperm [%] / 100%;

a,b,c,d—means in columns followed by different superscripts differ significantly (P<0.05).