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. 2014 Jul 9;28(1):77–90. doi: 10.1007/s10278-014-9719-7

Table 1.

Summary of some mammogram based CAD systems

Methods Feature Vectors Classifier Database
Yu and Guan [51], 2000 Statistical features MLFFNN Nijmegen
Verma and Zakos [47], 2001 Entropy, standard deviation BPNN Nijmegen
and number of pixels Database
Bagui et al. [4], 2003 Radius, texture, perimeter, k-NN WDBC, WBC
area, smoothness, compactness,
concavity, concave points,
symmetry, fractal dimensions
Fu et al. [17], 2005 Texture, spatial and SVM Nijmegen
spectral domain Database
Hwang and Kim [23], 2006 Zernike moments
Oliver et al. [35], 2007 Local binary patterns (LBP) SVM DDSM
Jasmine et al. [24], 2007 2D Wavelet transform MIAS
Xu et al. [50], 2007 DWT MLP Private
Zhang et al. [52], 2008 Contrast, energy, entropy, BPNN
standard deviation, skew,
difference, average bound gray,
average gray level,
no. of pixels, and
average histogram
Rabottino et al. [38], 2008 Shape and texture features Fuzzy classifier DDSM
Mencattini [31], 2009 Shape features DDSM
Wang et al. [48], 2009 Zernike moment-mode
shape descriptor
Rejani and Selvi [40], (2009) Shape feature SVM MIAS
Alofe et al. [1], (2009) Wavelet, first and second SVM MIAS
order statistics, shape and
fractal dimensional features
Mazurowski et al. [30], 2011 Histogram DDSM, DBT
Zhang et al. [53], 2011 Shape features k-NN MIAS, DDSM
Xu et al. [49], 2011 Statistical and shape features DDSM
Tahmasbi et al. [43], 2011 Shape features MLP MIAS
Oliveira et al. [33], 2011 Texture features SVM IRMA
Balakumaran and Vennila [5], 2011 Skewness, kurtosis and DDSM
wavelet transform
Deserno et al. [11], 2012 2DPCA SVM IRMA
Dheeba and Tamil [12], 2010 Gabor features RBFNN MIAS
Oliver [35], 2012 Local features based Gentle boost MIAS
on morphology Classifier
Kabbadj et al. [25], 2012 Statistical and geometric features SVM MIAS
Shanthi and Bhaskaran [41], 2012 Mean, standard deviation, Self-adaptive resource MIAS
skewness, kurtosis, entropy Allocation network
Cabrera et al. [20], 2012 Texture features DDSM