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. 2015 Mar 5;370(1663):20140074. doi: 10.1098/rstb.2014.0074

Table 1.

Imprinted genes highly expressed in the placenta. Origin, parental origin of the expressed allele; M, maternally expressed; P, paternally expressed; ncRNA, non-coding RNA; FGR, fetal growth restriction; Dup, duplication; UPD, uniparental disomy; ICR, imprinting control region; LBW, low birthweight; BW, birthweight; HC, head circumference; CVS, chorionic villus sampling tissues; CRL, crown–rump length; PIP, phosphatidylinositol phosphate lipid; mat del, maternally inherited deletion; pat del, paternally inherited deletion; T1D, type 1 diabetes; TNDM, transient neonatal diabetes mellitus; BWS, Beckwith–Wiedemann syndrome; SRS, Silver–Russell syndrome; CNV, copy number variation; asterisk, findings from this study.

locus gene origin description mouse KO phenotypes human growth phenotypes
6q24 PLAGL1 P zinc finger protein FGR, bone malformation, high neonatal lethality [15] TNDM (pUPD6, pDup6q24, ICR hypomethylation) [16]
6q25 IGF2R M/biallelic clearance of IGF2 fetal and placental overgrowth, organ and skeletal abnormalities [11] CVS expression positively correlated to BW [17] and CRL*
7p12 GRB10 M/P GF receptor-bound protein fetal and placental overgrowth [10] implicated in SRS (mDup7p11.2–13) [18]; term placenta expression negatively associates with HC*
7q21.3 PEG10 P retrotransposon derived embryonic lethal due to placental malformation [19] hypermethylation at ICR and reduced expression in LBW cord blood [20]; upregulated in FGR placenta [21]
7q32.2 MEST P/biallelic α/β hydrolase fold family fetal and placental growth restriction, high postnatal lethality, abnormal maternal behaviour [12] implicated in SRS (mUPD 7q31-qter) [22]
11p15 H19 M long ncRNA fetal and placental overgrowth [13,23] ICR1 hypomethylation [24] and CNV [25] in SRS
IGF2 P growth factor fetal and placental growth restriction CVS expression positively correlated to BW [17] and CRL*; implicated in BWS and Wilm's tumour [26]
CDKN1C M tumour suppressor gestational fetal and placental overgrowth [27] mutated in IMAGe [28], BWS [29] and SRS [30] patients
SLC22A18 M organic cation transporter not reported term placenta expression associated with HC [31]
PHLDA2 M PH domain, PIP binding placental overgrowth [32] highly expressed in lower BW and FGR placenta [21,3335]; promoter variant associated with BW [36]
14q32 DLK1 P transmembrane glycoprotein pre- and postnatal growth restriction, high perinatal lethality, obese postnatally [37] associated with T1D [38], UPD14 syndromes [26], T1D SNP correlated to BW*
MEG3 M ncRNA postnatal lethal (mat del), pre- and postnatal growth restriction, high perinatal lethality (pat del) [39] associated with T1D [38], reduced expression in FGR placenta [35]
19q13.4 PEG3 P zinc finger protein placental and fetal growth restriction, abnormal maternal behaviour [14] tumour suppressor [40]