Figure 2. Hippocampal micro-epileptiform activities with high amplitude in the CA1 pyramidal-stratum radiatum region during epileptogenesis.
A: Comparative local field potential (LFP) recordings of stratum oriens (OR), pyramidal layer (PYR), stratum radiatum (RAD), and dentate gyrus (DG) in the dorsal hippocampus during spontaneous immobility. Left is from a naïve mouse (control), which displays physiological electrical morphology of dentate spikes (DS) and sharp waves (SW), in contrast with a mouse in epileptogenesis (right) showing global low voltage activity (LVA) and ripples-sharp wave (red oval) associated with a marked reduction of amplitude in RAD. Below left: High frequencies activity (HFA) from DG at 150, 170 and above 215 are increased during LVA from mice in epileptogenesis (n = 7) compared with control mice (n = 7). Below right: representative trace from DG during LVA showing high frequency activity (box). Compare traces signed by brackets from control, epileptogenesis-LVA and epileptogenesis-HFA. PSD: Power spectral density from 100 to 300 Hz band, sec = seconds; mv = millivolts. * = p<0.05, One-way ANOVA); B: Representative micro-epileptiform activity (MEA, red traces) emerging from a LVA (black traces) in OR, PYR, RAD, and DG in epileptogenesis. Note MEA in hippocampal CA1 is characterized by successive spikes after a high amplitude fast spike (arrows) in RAD or initiated by a generalized burst of pathological HFO (pHFO, blue rectangle) followed by a high amplitude of synchronized spikes. Number (C) and duration (D) of micro-epileptiform activity (MEA) increases in mice during epileptogenesis (N = 7) compared with control mice (N = 7) #: p = 0.0001 ##: p = 0.001 two sample t-test. E: Average of square amplitude of LFP samples (n = 17 each group) of each hippocampal layer from periods of immobility in control mice (N = 7) and mice undergoing epileptogenesis (N = 7) during LVA and MEA periods. Note that MEA has a high amplitude in the pyramidal layer (PYR) and stratum radiatum (RAD) compared with LVA and control. Meanwhile LVA amplitude is reduced in RAD compared with control and MEA. Bars indicate means and error bars represent S.E.M.; #p = 0.0001; ##; p = 0.001, ###: p = 0.002 ####; p = 0.007, NS: no significant; one-way ANOVA. sec = seconds; mv = millivolts. OR: stratum oriens, DG: dentate gyrus.