Table 2.
Cost-effectiveness of 16 strategies of colorectal screening among Korean adults without NHI coverage (NHIa coverage = 0%, screening compliance = 30%, follow-up compliance = 50%).
Strategy (abbreviation) | Lifetime cost per person, won2 | Life expectancy, cost per day | Incremental person, won2 | Incremental days of life gained | Lifetime financial burden of NHI1, won2 | Incremental C/E3, won2 per life-year gained |
COL5 | 311682 | 6176.1 | 139043 | |||
COL3 | 313877 | 6181.1 | 2195 | 5 | 128757 | 160965 |
COL10 | 321407 | 6171.7 | 7530 | 151394 | (Dominated)4 | |
COL at 55 | 336367 | 6167.9 | 22490 | 164547 | (Dominated) | |
SIG3 | 346903 | 6172.4 | 33026 | 155607 | (Dominated) | |
SIG5 | 352290 | 6167.9 | 38413 | 164996 | (Dominated) | |
SIG10 | 356222 | 6165.8 | 42345 | 171689 | (Dominated) | |
SIG at 55 | 359939 | 6164.4 | 46062 | 177231 | (Dominated) | |
SIG5+DCBE5 | 368560 | 6168.1 | 54683 | 165557 | (Dominated) | |
No screening | 370726 | 6161.9 | 56849 | 185236 | (Dominated) | |
FOBT2 | 375772 | 6165.5 | 61894 | 187015 | (Dominated) | |
FOBT1+SIG5 | 384709 | 6169.7 | 70832 | 187443 | (Dominated) | |
FOBT1 | 387912 | 6168.1 | 74035 | 192309 | (Dominated) | |
DCBE10 | 390767 | 6164.1 | 76890 | 177826 | (Dominated) | |
DCBE5 | 410554 | 6165.3 | 96677 | 174392 | (Dominated) | |
DCBE3 | 435775 | 6169.3 | 121898 | 169661 | (Dominated) |
COL, colonoscopy; SIG, sigmoidoscopy; DCBE, double contrast barium enema; FOBT, fecal occult blood test. Ellipses indicate no data (incremental days or life gained and incremental CE ratio were not calculated for these strategies because they were dominated or extended dominated).
National Health Insurance of Korea.
Exchange rate: 1200 Korean won for one US dollar.
Incremental CE ratio (won/year) = Incremental cost per person/Incremental days of life gained×365 d.
Dominated strategy is a strategy that is more or equally costly and less effective than a competing strategy.