Fig. 2.
Brain activation evoked by perceptual switches (second level analysis; p < 0.001, uncorrected). (A) Activation associated with perceptual transitions in the rivalry condition (rivalry-switch) comparing to the replay condition (replay-switch) is shown in this figure. The color bar indicates the T-value of the GLM activation map which is overlaid on a MNI template artificially ‘inflated’ using SPM8. (B) The figure shows the peak voxel coordinates of r-aSPL (the left panel, (32, − 48, 48), p < 0.01, corrected for small-volume) and r-pSPL (the right panel, (30, − 70, 32), p < 0.01, corrected for small-volume). The color bar indicates T-value of the GLM activation map overlaid on an MNI anatomical template brain using MRICron (