Muscarinic Receptor Activation Induces Sustained Ca2+ Entry via Axonal T-Type Ca2+ Channels
(Ai) Electron micrographs showing immunogold particles (as indicated by arrows) for CaV3.2 subunits. Scale bar, 0.2 μm.
(Aii) Immunogold particle quantification in dentate gyrus.
(Bi) A two-photon image of a granule cell filled with Alexa Fluor 594 for 30 min. Cross-section line scans were obtained approximately 25 μm from the cell body as shown by the yellow bar.
(Bii and Biii) Average line scan images obtained using Alexa Fluor 594 and Oregon green Bapta-1 (OGB-1) under control conditions, after 10 min Oxo-M (1 μM), and following 40 min washout of Oxo-M in the absence and presence of TTA-P2 (500 nM), respectively.
(Biv and Bv) Individual (gray open squares) and average (black filled squares) ΔG/R measurements before, after Oxo-M treatment, and following Oxo-M washout in the absence and presence of TTA-P2.
(Ci) Superimposed example single action potentials and associated axonal [Ca2+]i signals before, during, and after 25 min washout of Oxo-M.
(Cii) Average ΔG/R measurements for action potential-associated [Ca2+]I signals under control conditions, after 10 min Oxo-M application, and following 25 min washout of Oxo-M.