Figure 2.
AKT signaling in Hdc KO mice. (A) Phospho-T308 AKT was immunostained in fixed cryostat slices from WT and KO mice, treated with either saline or amphetamine; cells were counted blind to genotype and condition. pT308-AKT-positive cells were decreased in Hdc-KO mice and by amphetamine pretreatment (main effect of genotype: F[1,4]=27.31; p=0.006; main effect of amphetamine: F[1,4]=41.19; p=0.003). (B) Reduced pT308-AKT was also seen in Hdc-KO mice by Western blot (main effect of genotype, F[1, 14]=8.700, p=0.01; main effect for treatment F[1, 14]=5.067, p=0.04; treatment × genotype interaction: F[1, 14]=5.043, p=0.04). (C) and (D) Phospho-S473 AKT was not altered by genotype or amphetamine pretreatment, as measured by immunohistochemistry or Western blotting (C and D, respectively; main effects and interactions not significant).