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. 2015 Jan 9;12(1):504–520. doi: 10.3390/ijerph120100504
Initiation and Logistic Regressions Relapse and Multinomial Regressions
Variables One-Puff Daily Heavy Non-Daily Daily Light Heavy
OR (95% CI). State and year fixed effects, SFA policy index are included as covariates
Cigarette Tax 0.955 0.573 ** 1.523 * 0.821 1.099 0.771* 1.245
(0.649, 1.405) (0.328, 1.000) (0.931, 2.493) (0.593, 1.137) (0.642, 1.881) (0.567, 1.049) (0.606, 2.557)
SFA_bar_law 0.774 * 0.320 *** 0.454 *** 0.795 * 1.099 0.923 0.988
(0.596, 1.006) (0.201, 0.510) (0.248, 0.831) (0.617, 1.024) (0.798, 1.514) (0.673, 1.266) (0.620, 1.575)
SFA_bar_law × Age < 21 0.628 *** 0.699 ** 0.776 0.940 0.731 0.933 0.897
(0.528, 0.748) (0.525, 0.930) (0.476, 1.264) (0.801, 1.103) (0.503, 1.064) (0.786, 1.107) (0.553, 1.455)
SFA_bar_ban 1.100 0.990 0.862 0.974 0.657 ** 1.017 0.533***
(0.763, 1.584) (0.655, 1.497) (0.468, 1.587) (0.831, 1.141) (0.456, 0.947) (0.812, 1.275) (0.371, 0.767)
SFA_bar_ban × Age < 21 0.813 0.890 1.138 1.160 1.242 1.251* 0.680
(0.448, 1.475) (0.608, 1.302) (0.562, 2.304) (0.848, 1.587) (0.706, 2.185) (0.979, 1.599) (0.135, 3.427)
N 38,988 48,271 50,366 27,001 27,927

Note: Odds ratios are reported. 95% CI clustered at the state level are in parentheses. Other controls in Table 2 such as year and state fixed effects, gender, race, education, duration dependence, SFA laws in restaurants, PUP index, state spending on tobacco control programs and SFA index are not shown. * p ≤ 0.1, ** p ≤ 0.05, *** p ≤ 0.01.