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. 2014 Dec 29;3:e04407. doi: 10.7554/eLife.04407

Figure 4. Loss of otd from LALv1 lineage results in activation of the antennal lobe-specific enhancer, GH146-Gal4, thus allowing detailed study of the neuroanatomy of the transformed otd-−/− LALv1 lineage.

(A and B) show WT LALv1 and ALad1 lineages, respectively, and (C) shows an otd−/− LALv1 lineage. Note that the neuroanatomy of the otd−/− LALv1 lineage (C) is completely unlike the WT LALv1 lineage (A) and is strikingly similar to the WT ALad1 lineage (B). (DM) document different brains that contain the otd−/− LALv1 lineage. They have multiglomerular dendritic innervations in the AL (DG), but not all glomeruli are always innervated (yellow arrowhead in E). There are more innervations in the more posterior parts of the antennal lobe (F and G). Their axon tracts project via the medial antennal lobe tract (arrowhead in C, G, H, K) to innervate the calyx of the mushroom body (MB; I and L) and the lateral horn (LH; J and M). Genotype in A: FRT19A/FRT19A,Tub-Gal80,hsFLP; Per-Gal4,UAS-mCD8::GFP/+. Genotype in B: FRT19A/FRT19A,Tub-Gal80,hsFLP; GH146-Gal4,UAS-mCD8::GFP/+. Genotype in CM: FRT19A,oc2 or FRT19A,otdYH13/FRT19A,Tub-Gal80,hsFLP; GH146-Gal4,UAS-mCD8::GFP/+. Scale bars are 50 µm (scale bar in A is applicable to B and C; the one in D is applicable through to G; the one in H is applicable to K; the one in I is applicable to L, J, M). Yellow line represents the midline.


Figure 4.

Figure 4—figure supplement 1. Loss of otd from the LALv1 neuroblast lineage, transforms it into an antennal lobe PN lineage.

Figure 4—figure supplement 1.

(A and B) are Tubulin-Gal4 labelled adult, wild-type clones of the LALv1 lineage. (A) shows the anterior sections and (B) shows more posterior sections of the same clone. (A) The cell bodies of LALv1 lie ventral to the antennal lobe (AL) and express the transcription factor otd (inset in A). The axon tract of this lineage skirts around the AL (magenta arrows in A and B) and innervates the lateral accessory lobe (LAL, magenta dotted lines in A) and the central complex (CC, magenta dotted lines in B). Note that there are no innervation from this lineage in the AL. (C and D) are tubulin labelled adult, otd null clones of the LALv1 NB lineage. (C) shows the anterior sections, and (D) shows more posterior sections of the same clone. The otd−/− LALv1 lineage innervates the AL (magenta dotted lines in C and D) and sends its axon tracts towards the protocerebrum (magenta arrows in D).
Figure 4—figure supplement 2. Expressing full-length otd in the otd−/− LALv1 lineage rescues the transformation phenotype.

Figure 4—figure supplement 2.

(AD) is a MARCM labelled otd−/− LALv1 lineage that also expresses UAS-otd. The cell bodies of the otd−/− LALv1 lineage shown in A (magenta dotted lines) express the transgenic UAS-otd, shown in B (magenta dotted lines). The neuroanatomy of this rescued lineage resembles that of the WT LALv1 lineage, which skirts around the antennal lobe (yellow dotted lines) and innervates the lateral accessory lobe (white arrowheads). Genotype: FRT19A,otdYH13 or oc2/FRT19A,Tub-Gal80,hsFLP; Tub-Gal4,UAS-mCD8::GFP/UAS-otd).