Figure 4.
Blocking anthrax on a single-channel level. (A) Two sevenfold symmetrical synthetic molecules, AmPrβCD (top panel) and AMBnTβCD (bottom panel) were used as blockers of PA63 channels. (B) A heptameric mushroom-like channel of PA63 believed to be a translocation pathway for lethal and edema factor (LF and EF) inside the cell under attack (top). The idea was to design complementary heptameric low-molecular weight compounds – cationic cyclodextrins (bottom) that enter the channel and block it as molecular plugs. The cartoon is a simplified illustration of the LF and EF penetration into the mammalian cell. In reality, the process is much more complex. Reprinted with permission from refs (116, 162). Copyright 2010, 2012. Biophysical Society.