Fig. 8.
Approximate isohalines from 3 to 8 limit the occurrence of typical Baltic Sea plant and animal species around the years 2070–2099. Some species will largely retain their present distribution, such as the Copepod Acartia bifilosa, the Caspian hydroid polyp Cordylophoracaspia and the Baltic herring, as their distribution is limited by isohaline 3 (upper row of inserts). Many freshwater species will advance, such as Gastropods, e.g. Lymnea spp. the copepod Limnocalanus macrurus, and Cladoderans, e.g. Bosmina longispina and cyprinid fish (inserts on the second and third row). Several marine species will experience a migration southwards by hundreds of kilometres. The isohaline 6 is limiting the distribution of flounder. The Decapod shrimps Palemonadspersus and Crangoncrangon will retire around 600 km southwards to isohaline 7, to the level of the Sounds (three inserts lowest in the left corner). Further examples in the text.