Figure 2. Design and function of trg− Salmonella.
A) Deletion of trg was confirmed by colony PCR. The length of trg between the detection primers (see Figure 1B) was 1733 bp and the insert, including cat was 1115bp. B) Comparison of genomic sequences of the trg knockout and wild-type Salmonella. The sequences match in the H1 homology region, the knockout does not contain trg, and it contains cat. C) Velocity distribution of control (n=78) and trg− Salmonella (n=60) in liquid culture. D) Growth curves of control (n=3) and trg− Salmonella (n=3). There is no difference in growth rate. E) Knockout Salmonella penetrated deeper into tissue in a tumor-on-chip-device than control bacteria. In quantitative analysis, the zero location indicates the front of the tissue and one indicates the back. F) Average bacterial density 15 hours after bacterial administration as a function of position within each tissue (n=4 chambers). Densities were scaled to the maximum value detected at 15 hours. This maximum density was set to 100. G, H) Comparison of bacterial densities at the front (0–0.2), middle (0.2–0.35) and back (0.35–1) of tumor tissue. At 10 hours (G), more trg− Salmonella were located in all three regions (‡, P<0.001) and the density in the middle was greater than the front (†, P<0.005). At 15 hours (H), more trg− were present in the back than control bacteria (‡, P<0.001), more control bacteria were located at the front (‡, P<0.001), and the density of trg− was greater in the middle than in the front (*, P<0.01).