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. 2015 Jan 28;35(4):1573–1590. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.3515-14.2015

Figure 2.

Figure 2.

Functional differences between AIS and AIS+ OB dopaminergic neurons. A, Example maximum intensity projection images of wild-type (WT) mouse OB dopaminergic neurons costained for TH and ankyrin-G (AnkG). AIS cells (left) lack AnkG staining; AIS+ cells (right) have a clear AnkG-defined axonal region. In these and all subsequent images, lines show axon start; arrowheads show AIS start and end positions. Scale bars, 20 μm. B, Example maximum intensity projection image of a tdT-expressing neuron from a TH–Cre × Rosa–Tdt mouse OB culture, colabeled for TH. C, Example maximum intensity projection images of TH–tdT neurons costained for AnkG. AIS cells (left) lack AnkG staining; AIS+ cells (right) have a clear AnkG-defined axonal region. Asterisk shows the AIS of a tdT neighboring cell. D, Example current-clamp traces from monophasic (AIS; top) or biphasic (AIS+; bottom) TH–tdT neurons. i, Action potentials fired to threshold 10 ms somatic current injection. ii, Phase plane plots of the spikes shown in i. Arrow points to the AIS-dependent first action potential phase. iii, Action potentials fired at maximum frequency to 500 ms somatic current injection. E, Histogram of soma area. F–I, Cumulative distributions and mean ± SEM plots (insets) for voltage threshold (Vthresh; F), onset rapidness (OR; G), maximum frequency (Max. freq.; H), and interstimulus interval CV (ISI CV; I) in monophasic (M) and biphasic (B) TH–tdT neurons. t test (F, H) or Mann–Whitney test (G, I), *p < 0.05, ***p < 0.001.