Neural representation of posterior information in the mPFC. A, Whole-brain results. Activity in mPFC was positively correlated with the mean of the posterior distribution on reward probability associated with the symbol lottery when prior and likelihood information were presented (z > 3, familywise error-corrected p < 0.05 using Gaussian random field theory) B, Independent ROI analysis. We constructed independent, unbiased ROIs in mPFC that significantly tracked the posterior information. We then extracted the BOLD time series from these independent, unbiased ROIs, estimated the effect size of the posterior information, transformed it to z statistic, and plotted it as a function of time. Time point 0 indicates onset of symbol lottery presentation. The thick black line at the bottom indicates the time points of interest. The dashed horizontal line indicated the z-threshold corresponding to p = 0.05 corrected for the number of time points tested.