Figure 1. Structural characterization of single-crystal and penta-twinned Ag NWs.
(a,b) Low-magnification and high-resolution TEM images of single-crystal Ag NW with growth direction of <110>. Scale bar, 200 and 2 nm, respectively. Right and left insets (scale bar, 100 nm) in a show the selected area electron diffraction (SAED) pattern taken from <110> zone axis and the hexagonal cross-sectional shape from SEM observation, respectively. (c) TEM image of Ag NWs showing fivefold twinned structure. Scale bar, 200 nm. Right and left insets (scale bar, 20 nm) in c display the corresponding SAED pattern and the pentagonal cross-sectional shape, respectively. Stacking faults along the boundary between grains IV and V can be clearly seen in the left inset of c. (d) High-angle annular dark-field scanning TEM image of the cross-sectional sample showing the presence of vacancy defects near the boundary between grains IV and V. The yellow star in d indicates the centre of the cross-sectional sample. Scale bar, 2 nm.