Figure 4. Light-induced dimerization at centromeres.
Cells expressing CENPB–GFP-Haloenzyme and mCherry–eDHFR were treated with 20µM cTMP-Htag for 1h, then washed before imaging. (a) Cell-wide recruitment of mCherry–eDHFR to centromere-localized CENPB–GFP–Haloenzyme in response to a 2-s pulse of 387(±5.5)nm light. (b) Average mCherry–eDHFR centromere intensity at time points before and after uncaging, error bars represent s.d. (n=10 cells). (c) A single centromere (indicated by arrowhead in inset) was irradiated with a 405nm laser to induce mCherry–eDHFR recruitment. Insets show boxed regions in GFP (top row) and mCherry (middle row) and colour-merge (bottom row) from indicated time points. Scale bars, 5 or 1mm in insets. a.u., arbitrary unit.