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. 2015 Jan 28;2015:bau125. doi: 10.1093/database/bau125

Table 1.

Overview of all the QC steps in the EurOBIS database, including the unique bit-sequence (2(x-1), with X = number of the QC flag) when the QC step is evaluated positively. The second last column lists whether a QC step is also available to the users through the online web services. IQR = Interquartile range; MAD = Median absolute deviation; SSS = Sea surface salinity; SST = Sea surface temperature

QC-number Category Question Bit-sequence, if answer is yes Available as online data service Implemented in
2 Taxonomy Is the taxon name matched to WoRMS? 2 Yes (taxon match) EurOBIS + OBIS
3 Taxonomy Is the taxon level lower than family? 4 Yes (taxon match) EurOBIS + OBIS
4 Geography: lat/lon Are the latitude/longitude values different from zero? 8 Yes (check OBIS format) EurOBIS + OBIS
5 Geography: lat/lon Are the latitude/longitude values within their possible boundaries? 16 Yes (check OBIS format) EurOBIS + OBIS
6 Geography: lat/lon Are the coordinates situated in sea or along the coastline (20 km buffer)? 32 Yes (check OBIS format) EurOBIS + OBIS
9 Geography: lat/lon Are the coordinates situated in the expected geographic area (compare metadata)? 256 No, but visual check possible through separate data validation service EurOBIS
18 Geography: depth Is minimum depth ≤ maximum depth? 131 072 Not yet available EurOBIS + OBIS
19 Geography: depth Is the sampling depth possible when compared with GEBCO depth map (incl. margin)? 262 144 No, but depths per lat-lon can be requested through geographic web services EurOBIS + OBIS
7 Completeness: date/time Is the sampling year (start/end) completed and valid? 64 Yes (check OBIS format) EurOBIS + OBIS
11 Completeness: date/time Is the sampling date (year/month/day; start/end) valid? 1 024 Yes (check OBIS format) EurOBIS + OBIS
12 Completeness: date/time If a start and end date are given, is the start before the end? 2 048 Yes (check OBIS format) EurOBIS + OBIS
13 Completeness: date/time If a sampling time is given, is this valid and is the time zone completed? 4 096 Not yet available EurOBIS + OBIS
14 Completeness: presence/abundance/biomass Is the value of the field ‘ObservedIndividualCount’ empty or > 0? 8 192 Not yet available EurOBIS + OBIS
15 Completeness: presence/abundance/biomass Is the value of the field ‘Observedweight’ empty or > 0? 16 384 Not yet available EurOBIS + OBIS
16 Completeness: presence/abundance/biomass Is the field ‘SampleSize’ completed if the field ‘ObservedIndividualCount’ is > 0? 32 768 Not yet available EurOBIS + OBIS
1 (Eur)OBIS data format Are the required fields from the OBIS Schema completed? 1 Yes (check OBIS format) EurOBIS + OBIS
10 (Eur)OBIS data format Is the ‘Basis of Record' documented, and is an existing OBIS code used? 512 Yes (check OBIS format) EurOBIS + OBIS
17 (Eur)OBIS data format Is the value of the field ‘Sex’ empty or is an existing OBIS code used? 65 536 Not yet available EurOBIS + OBIS
21 Outliers:environment Is the observation within six MADs from the median depth of this taxon? 1 048 576 Not yet available OBIS
22 Outliers:environment Is the observation within three IQRs from the first & third quartile depth of this taxon? 2 097 152 Not yet available OBIS
23 Outliers:environment Is the observation within six MADs from the median SSS of this taxon? 4 194 304 Not yet available OBIS
24 Outliers:environment Is the observation within three IQRs from the first & third quartile SSS of this taxon? 8 388 608 Not yet available OBIS
25 Outliers:environment Is the observation within six MADs from the median SST of this taxon? 16 777 216 Not yet available OBIS
26 Outliers:environment Is the observation within three IQRs from the first & third quartile SST of this taxon? 33 554 432 Not yet available OBIS
27 Outliers:geography Is the observation within six MADs from the distance to the centroid of this taxon? 67 108 864 Not yet available OBIS
28 Outliers:geography Is the observation within three IQRs from the first & third quartile distance to the centroid of this taxon? 134 217 728 Not yet available OBIS
29 Outliers:geography Is the observation within six MADs from the distance to the centroid of this dataset? 268 435 456 Not yet available OBIS
30 Outliers:geography Is the observation within three IQRs from the first & third quartile distance to the centroid of this dataset? 536 870 912 Not yet available OBIS