Table 6.
Baseline Echocardiographic Characteristics of Participants by Diastolic Function Group
Characteristic | Normal Function (n=594) | Impaired Relaxation (n=76) | Elevated End‐Diastolic Pressure (n=96) | Combined Dysfunction (n=27) |
Transmitral E/A ratio | N | ↓ | N | ↓ |
E/e' ratio | N | N | ↑ | ↑ |
Conventional echocardiography | ||||
LA volume index, mL/m2 | 21.8±5.3 | 27.1±6.6 | 28.4±7.4*† | 27.5±6.8*† |
LV internal diameter, cm | 5.02±0.49 | 5.09±0.58 | 5.07±0.56 | 4.85±0.49 |
Interventricular septum, cm | 0.95±0.16 | 1.03±0.17* | 1.07±0.15* | 1.18±0.18*†‡ |
Posterior wall, cm | 0.87±0.14 | 0.94±0.14* | 0.97±0.13* | 1.04±0.15*† |
LV mass index, g/m2 | 88.4±19.3 | 100.1±32.9* | 105.8±25.7* | 115.2±22.2*† |
Ejection fraction, % | 63.4±6.2 | 61.8±9.0 | 64.0±7.1 | 64.0±6.9 |
Transmitral Doppler | ||||
E peak, cm/s | 77.7±14.8 | 54.7±10.2* | 80.8±13.7† | 62.2±14.0*‡ |
A peak, cm/s | 59.2±13.9 | 76.8±12.4* | 82.3±15.5* | 95.4±16.9*†‡ |
E/A ratio | 1.39±0.46 | 0.73±0.17* | 1.01±0.23*† | 0.65±0.10*‡ |
IVRT, ms | 94.6±14.6 | 110.1±19.3* | 105.1±16.4* | 109.5±21.5* |
Adur‐ARdur, ms | 1.43 (−4.3 to 7.1) | 11.4 (−2.8 to 28.5)* | −18.5 (−37.1 to 5.7)*† | 16.2 (−17.1 to 28.5)*‡ |
Tissue Doppler§ | ||||
e' peak, cm/s | 12.6±3.26 | 8.50±2.14* | 7.69±1.30* | 5.75±1.14*†‡ |
a' peak, cm/s | 9.80±2.06 | 11.9±1.90* | 10.4±1.82†* | 11.4±1.24* |
e'/a' ratio | 1.42±0.65 | 0.75±0.30* | 0.78±0.20* | 0.50±0.10* |
E/e' ratio | 6.39±1.35 | 6.63±1.19 | 10.7±2.11*† | 11.0±2.45*† |
Values are mean (±SD), or median (10% to 90% percentile). Adur indicates mitral inflow A‐wave duration; ARdur, pulmonary vein reversal flow duration; IVRT, isovolumetric relaxation time; LA, left atrial; LV, left ventricle.
Significance for between‐groups differences: *P≤0.05 vs normal; †P≤0.05 vs impaired relaxation group; ‡P≤0.05 vs elevated LV filling pressure group.
§Averaged of septum, lateral, inferior, and posterior mitral annulus sites.