Figure 4.
A plot of 19 7E SD sequences that contain at least one segment of ≥10 kb that matches another 7E SD at ≥82% nucleotide identity. Although many 7E segments are homologous to multiple other locations in 7E SDs, only the most similar match for each segment is depicted here for simplicity. The 7E SDs are plotted as the differently colored thick arcs making up the circle, with length proportional to SD length (see Fig. 2). Each curved line connects the center of a 7E SD segment to its most highly homologous segment in the set of 35 SDs and terminates in an external arc of the same color as the originating 7E SD. The length of the terminating arc is proportional to the length of the matching segment. We show both lines for bidirectional matches, because not all best matches are reciprocal. The radial positions of the terminating arcs are varied only to allow viewing of the overlapping matches. Asterisks mark the two SDs that include unfinished sequence.