Figure 4. tod1 mutants have a turgor problem.
(a) Exogenous 10 μM ABA promotes pre-opened stomata closure in Ler, but not in tod1. Data are mean (width/length)±s.e. (n=48). (b) Exogenous 10 μM S1P promotes closure of pre-opened stomata both in Ler and tod1. Data are mean (width/length)±s.e. (n=48). (c) tod1 pollen tubes grow slower than those of wild type inside pollen tube germination medium with 1.5% agarose. Growth defects of mutant pollen tubes can be rescued by adding 10 μM sphingosine (Sph) or S1P. Data are mean±s.e. (n>55). (d) tod1 pollen tubes generate a higher turgor pressure than wild-type pollen tubes. Data are mean±s.e. (Ler, n=19; tod1, n=10). (e) Typical YC3.60 cameleon Venus/ECFP ratio images of maximum [Ca2+]cyt in growing pollen tubes. Left panel, Col pollen tube expressing YC3.60. Right panel, tod1-2 pollen tube expressing YC3.60. The coloured bar represents the relative cytosolic Ca2+ levels. Scale bar, 10 μm. (f) Suppression of tod1-2 pollen tube growth defect by gaut13-1 mutation. Col, gaut13-1, tod1-2 and tod1-2 gaut13-1 double mutant pollen tubes in Col pistils (from left to right) stained with aniline blue 12 h after pollination. Scale bar, 200 μm. Student’s t-test, *P<0.05; **P<0.01.