Assessment of in-vivo proliferative activity of SCs. Unsorted cell preparations
obtained after Pronase digestion of LIMB, DIA and EOM of adult (4–6
month old) and juvenile (3-week old) mice were subjected to cytocentrifugation,
followed by Pax7/Ki67 double immunostaining combined with DAPI counter-staining.
(A) Image shown is of a preparation from LIMB of juvenile mice, which contains
the highest number of Ki67+/Pax7+
double-labeled cells. (B) SCs were identified based on Pax7 immunostaining and
their proliferative activity was determined by calculating the percent of cells
double-immunolabelled for Pax7 and Ki67
(Ki67+/Pax7+ cells) out of all
Pax7+ cells. Preparations of spleen cells were used as a
highly proliferative control for Ki67 immunolabeling (Ki67+
cells: 48.1% out of 7998 and 18.0% out of 4324 total nuclei, in
juvenile and adult mice, respectively); these cells were also found negative for
Pax7. Scale bar, 50 μm.